1-on-1 consulting for purpose-driven professionals

💙 Follow Your Passion

💰 Grow Your Business

Use the TrueFreedom Method to free up your time so you can do what you love and scale up your income and impact

"Purpose-Driven companies performed 10x better

in a 15 year study"

13 Years of Proven Results

In Online Education

Leverage my experience (wins and losses!) to help you follow your passion and

Grow your business with greater speed, ease and a whole heck of alot more fun

Sebastian Cruze

Creator of the True Freedom Method

I've generated over 500,000 leads online through my own passive income systems

  • Made my first dollar online with YouTube SEO for Affiliate Videos - got it up to $2,500+ / week in passive income

  • Started marketing agency and 11x'ed our revenue in 9 months - grew to 25 full time team members

  • Charged $22,500 /mo for social media management at 21 years old (me and my team)

  • Featured Speaker at the Internet Marketing Party at 20 years old (same event Alex Hormozi has spoken at)

  • 10 Energy Healing Certifications through the schools of Soul Contract, Divine Healing and Lightbody Surgeon Training

  • Multiple 6 six figure SEO company with highly passive income (1-4 hours of work a week) for 7 years+ in total before selling the properties

  • Began charging $18k for 6 month 1-on-1 coaching program ($3k /mo for 3 calls a month and 2 Half VIP days in the 6 months)

  • Created, Sold and Delivered 3 rounds of a group program (6 week online program + 3 day live event) for high level entrepreneur men for $4k for the first round, $5k for the 2nd round, and $6k for the third round

  • Sold $2k /mo and $2.5k /mo mastermind memberships

  • Sold Mastermind packages in an online webinar (with no in-person conversion event) for $10k & $15k

  • Mastermind leader of 6.5+ years

  • 250+ Mastermind Sessions Led and Facilitated

  • 75+ Energy Healing Webinars Hosted (Live)

  • 10 Courses Created (7 alone + 3 Co-Creating)

  • Founder of Software App (Version 1 of the TrueFreedom Publishing Engine)

  • Decided to give everything away for free on YouTube - holding nothing back with 300+ videos - of things I used to charge for, so that people can follow their passion on their own and make an impact, even when I'm at capacity and don't have any spots open (publishing or consulting)

The Main Problems People Come to Me to Help Solve...

Which One(s) Would You Like to Focus on Solving Together?

Not Aligned with Your Purpose

Makes you feel like you've sold your soul. Which is why so many entrepreneurs feel lost and unfulfilled... even if they have a funnel making money.

Not Aligned with Your Passion

Makes you feel split between where your heart is and where your work is... making you dread waking up to your work in the morning.

Not Aligned with Your Profit

Makes you feel drained because you give so much and your bank account doesn't show it.

Don't Know How to Launch Your First Course

People tell you how much value your bring and expertise you have but you don't know how to package into an online course that people actually buy

Don't Know How to Launch Your Community

You feel in your heart you are here to unite a group of like-minded individuals but something isn't clicking to bring them together and actually having them pay for membership

Your Webinar isn't Making Sales

You get people to show up... you deliver amazing value (you know because attendees literally tell you)... yet people still don't buy? Let's fix that

Your Messaging, Branding or Offer isn't Converting

You know you deliverable incredible results... and your clients that have worked with know it too... but nobody else does. It takes so much explaining and convincing to say yes to your program

Your Community Members are Leaving

You did all the work of getting people together and having them pay... but then they up and leave so soon, which is heartbreaking, confusing and deflating. Let's fix that

You are Always Working and are "Time Poor"

You look at your schedule for the week and feel a knot in your stomach... you have so much going on and everything feels urgent and high priority. Let's 80/20 the 80/20 and free up 20-30 hours from your work week (while accomplishing more)

Your Business is Scattered and You Don't Know How to Simplify

You have a bunch of different products, services and offerings... and it's driving you nuts. You are ready to simplify and make more by doing less and having more fun

You Don't Know What Your Passion or Purpose Is

You feel a gnawing in your mind... like being lost at sea. You know your passion and purpose is "out there"... but where? Let's fix that, fast.

You Have a Good Foundation But Don't Know How to Scale

You've build a strong foundation of delivery and systems... but you don't see how you can take the next step with a scalable delivery model... because right now it would take more time than you could give

Don't Know How to Sell Your Community or Mastermind for $10k-$15k+ /Year

You have so much value to give but people aren't buying... let's fix that

Don't Know How to Systematize Your Business for Highly Passive Income

You are making money and love your clients but you're working all the time and don't have time for family nights and weekends... let's fix that

Don't Know How to Sell Your Course for $2,500+

You have a beautiful course outline and so much value to give... but people aren't buying and wondering why they can't just get the information for free somewhere online... let's fix that (PS checkout this YouTube #Shorts video series)

The True Freedom Method for a

Highly Impactful and Highly Profitable

Online Education Business

Align your purpose, passion, and profit so you can create in your Zone of Genius


Own Your Fire

Feel alive with drive because you are making progress on the mission that lights you up. By aligning your sales funnel with your purpose, you'll tap into a strength and focus that your audience will feel and trust.


Love Your Work

Wake up excited because your day is filled with what you love to do. Designing your sales funnel around the unique gifts in your Zone of Genius makes you stand out from the noise.


Increase Your Impact

Feel wealthy and generous because people are happy to pay you for what you love to do. Then you can to pour even more love into your service which creates a sustainable system that supports your lifestyle and mission.

Go from Frustrated Creator to

Abundant Creator with True Freedom

I believe true freedom is having time and money to do what you love

Frustrated Creator

Not Making the Impact You Were Born to Make

  • Burdened: feeling like there is so much work to do that you don't love doing

  • Overwhelmed: feeling scattered in so many directions, robbing you of your focus

  • Drained: Feeling like you’re drowning in a never ending to do list

Abundant Creator

Living Abundantly as You Share Your Message

  • Ease: feeling free to do what you love and have the systems taken care of for you

  • Confidence: feeling clear on your simple path to growing your income and impact

  • Stability: waking up feeling alive and excited to share your message to millions

Let's Map Out Together

Your Next $100k-$300k

Whether you are just about to launch or already have a foundation in motion... let's clarify the most simple and aligned path for you to add another $100k-$250k to your business over the next year

10 more course sales a month at $2,500 each

Equals $25,000 / month, which is:

$300,000 a year

True Freedom Awaits You


Online via Zoom


  • Pre-Session Assessment:

    Fill out the assessment form so I can be specific on what you need most, before we have our session

  • Pre-Session:

    I review your information and send you video recommendations to watch before our session, so that we can maximize our time together

  • Session:

    Focused 75 minute Zoom session 1-on-1

  • Action:

    Receive a Customized Action Plan for your next $100k-$300k

  • Training:

    Includes a Customized 3 Week Training Curriculum where you will receive specific training videos for each week that will lead you step-by-step to your goal

  • Post-Session:

    7 days of Q&A through email, 2 business day response time

Half VIP Day

Online via Zoom


or two monthly

installments of $2.75k

  • Pre-Session Assessment:

    Fill out the assessment form so I can be specific on what you need most, before we have our session

  • Pre-Session:

    I review your information and send you video recommendations to watch before our session, so that we can maximize our time together

  • Session:

    See full schedule below in the next section

  • Action:

    Receive a Customized Action Plan for your next $100k-$300k

  • Training:

    Includes a Customized 6 Week Training Curriculum where you will receive specific training videos for each week that will lead you step-by-step to your goal

  • Post-Session:

    14 days of Q&A available through email, 2 business day response time

Full VIP Day

In-Person in Phoenix, AZ


or two monthly

installments of $5.5k

  • Pre-Session Assessment:

    Fill out the assessment form so I can be specific on what you need most, before we have our session

  • Pre-Session:

    I review your information and send you video recommendations to watch before our session, so that we can maximize our time together

  • Session:

    See full schedule below in the next section

  • Action:

    Receive a Customized Action Plan for your next $100k-$300k

  • Training:

    Includes a Customized 6 Week Training Curriculum where you will receive specific training videos for each week that will lead you step-by-step to your goal

  • Post-Session:

    14 days of Q&A available through email, 2 business day response time

Full VIP Day

In-Person at Your Location in the USA


or two monthly

installments of $11k

  • Pre-Session Assessment:

    Fill out the assessment form so I can be specific on what you need most, before we have our session

  • Pre-Session:

    I review your information and send you video recommendations to watch before our session, so that we can maximize our time together

  • Session:

    See full schedule below in the next section

  • Action:

    Receive a Customized Action Plan for your next $100k-$300k

  • Training:

    Includes a Customized 6 Week Training Curriculum where you will receive specific training videos for each week that will lead you step-by-step to your goal

  • Post-Session:

    14 days of Q&A available through email, 2 business day response time

Only 5 3 VIP Days Left Available at This Rate

Because My Client Case Studies Are Reaching Higher Levels

So Rates Will Continue to Increase to Reflect Their Success

Structure for the VIP Days

Half VIP Day

  • 1.5 hours: Session Time

  • 15 min: Break

  • 1.5 hours: Session Time

  • 15 mins: Break

  • 1 hour: Session Time

Full VIP Day

  • 1.5 hours: Session or Activity Time

  • 15 min: Break

  • 1.5 hours: Session or Activity Time

  • 15 mins: Break

  • 90 minutes: Lunch or Activity Time

  • 1.5 hours: Session or Activity Time

  • 15 min: Break

  • 1 hour: Session or Activity Time

“I believe we are born to do what we love

– Sebastian Cruze

The Next Steps

Once you apply and are accepted

Step 1

Apply, Be Accepted and Begin

Once you are accepted, I will send you customized pre-work based on your assessment so that you can get immediate momentum

Step 2

Our Session Together

Then we work together in your session to create breakthroughs that reveal the simple path forward to following your passion and growing your business

Step 3

Increase Your Income and Impact

Now you launch forward, taking aligned action that gives you steady results grows your business to new heights

Is There a Guarantee?

Nope because I give everything for free on my YouTube Channel.

If you want zero risk than stay with the free content.

I have the Experience and I need you to take the Action,

It takes two to tango amigo!

Hannah Chapman


Creator of the Expansive CEO Method

17 years of financial planning experience (CFP® APMA® CRPC®)

○ Managed over $80 Million in financial assets and written 2,000+ financial plans

○ On a mission to help 1 Billion people feel at peace with their finances

LIVE Flow State Webinars

"Top executives report being 5x more productive when in Flow State."

- Forbes (10 Year Study)

THIS IS THE SECRET SAUCE - yes, you read me right. I pulled out the all-caps-lock-shouting just like an 80 year old grandma (I love you grammy!) because this truly, truly, truly... is the difference between skyrocketing with your sales funnel or having the perfect engine built - but not driving it anywhere.

I'm not going to bother saying anything more, because once you EXPERIENCE THE DIFFERENCE you will think back and say "Ah yes Sebastian, this was the sauce indeed."

What's the ROI of you being 5x more productive?

(think: 5 days of work done in 1 day)

$3,500 Value

Q&A Call After Your

VIP Day Experience

After your VIP Day let's hop on Zoom (within 3 weeks) so we can review your progress together, answer any questions you might have and continue your powerful momentum forward 🔥

*Only availabe for VIP Day Packages, not the Call Package

What would it be worth to breakthrough new questions that come up for you and having the peace of mind of knowing you are staying on the right path?

$1,500 Value

Let's Make Sure Our Values Align


Are we aligning our prosperity with our hearts through our actions?


Are we having the impact on our community that we desire?


Are we treating everyone we meet with respect, honoring the divinity in each of us?


Are we giving generously of our time and resources from a place of abundance within ourselves?


Are we intentionally creating joyful experiences in our work and lives?

Do You Have Abundant Creator DNA?

Being an Abundant Creator means you care about passion, purpose and profit all working together in your life

  • C - Contribution: you focus on impact

  • R - Reliable: you honor your word

  • E - Efficient: you 80/20 the 80/20

  • A - Active: you take inspired action

  • T - Tacos: you like to have fun

  • O - Open: you are open to new ideas

  • R - Radiant: you shine with generosity

5% of top-line revenue goes to “Women Helping Women of Southwest Ohio” ​Our current partner charity is Women Helping Women of Southwest Ohio. WHW of SWO helps survivors find hope, healing, and empowerment through confidential support services.

They inspire the community to speak out against gender-based violence, and speak up for equal and healthy relationships. They educate and advocate so that generations after us can grow into change agents to prevent gender-based violence before it ever starts.

© Copyright 2024 | TrueFreedom.ai | All rights reserved.